Do you need simple and streamlined medieval furniture? Do not look any further! Feudal Furniture is the mod you need, in it you will find more than 150 pieces of furniture with a simple and original minecraft style. How is create?Like other mods of its same collection, Feudal Furniture is created from clay, with them you can create a variety of boxes that will contain the furniture you need, the boxes will be different depending on the type of wood you want and if you want a miscellaneous decoration you will also find a box for it! What can I decorate?This add-on is specialized to decorate medieval areas such as ruined castles, huge cities, medieval farms and rustic houses.
Featured Blocks
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Survival: Clay is needed, you have to introduce it in a stonecutter and many variants of boxes will come out, each one has all the versions of a type of wooden furniture, depending on what type of wood you choose from the box, you can create furniture of a type of wood or other.
Creative: There are 2 ways, the main one is by going to the creative menu and looking at the bottom in the decoration section and the other way is with commands, you would have to enter the following in the chat /give @p ff: (select the block or put their name).
Featured Images
If you don't have inspiration, check these photos and enjoy the mod!
Please enable Expariment Holiday Creator Features for the plugin to work!
The addon is ready to start with a single click, little by little it will be updated to put more content.
If any update you don't like or wrong, you can disable it as addons are separated by mod base and updates.
Featured Blocks
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Survival: Clay is needed, you have to introduce it in a stonecutter and many variants of boxes will come out, each one has all the versions of a type of wooden furniture, depending on what type of wood you choose from the box, you can create furniture of a type of wood or other.
Creative: There are 2 ways, the main one is by going to the creative menu and looking at the bottom in the decoration section and the other way is with commands, you would have to enter the following in the chat /give @p ff: (select the block or put their name).
Featured Images
If you don't have inspiration, check these photos and enjoy the mod!
Please enable Expariment Holiday Creator Features for the plugin to work!
The addon is ready to start with a single click, little by little it will be updated to put more content.
If any update you don't like or wrong, you can disable it as addons are separated by mod base and updates.