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Minecraft Beta & Preview -
Minecraft 基岩版 Beta & Preview
Minecraft 基岩版 Beta & Preview
- Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices. More information can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
- Minecraft Preview现已在 Xbox, Windows 10/11, 与 iOS 设备上可用. 要获取更多信息,请访问 aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
- The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions.
- Minecraft Beta则在 Android (Google Play) 上可用. 要知道如何加入或退出Beta,请查阅 aka.ms/JoinMCBeta
Here's what's new in this week's Minecraft Preview and Beta! Please continue to send us your feedback and bug reports, and enjoy the update又到了发布我们每周Minecraft Preview的时间啦!一如既往,请一定要记得向我们发送您的 反馈 与 错误报告,敬请享用本次更新内容!
- Rabbits, Polar Bears, and items no longer levitate above Top Snow blocks (MCPE-172381)
- 现在,兔子、北极熊与物品掉落物不会再漂浮在顶层雪上方了 (MCPE-172381)
- Structure Void blocks placed in the world can once again be highlighted and destroyed when holding a Structure Void block (MCPE-172429)
- 现在,已放置的结构空位方块能在玩家手持结构空位方块时被突出显示或被破坏 (MCPE-172429)
- Breath meter now refills when swimming with head above water (MCPE-170969)
- 现在,氧气槽将在玩家的头高于水面时正常回复 (MCPE-170969)
- The Crawling experimental toggle has been removed and Crawling under 1 block gaps is now fully implemented into the game
- 移除了“爬行”的实验性开关,“在一格空间内爬行”现已去实验化
- You can now enable Recipe Unlocking on the Create New World screen (MCPE-172956)
- 现在,你可以在创建新世界界面就启用配方解锁机制 (MCPE-172956)
- The command for unlocking recipes has been updated. The autosuggestion to give a player a recipe now says "player: target" instead of "victim: target" (MCPE-172402)
- 配方解锁机制命令现已更新。“为玩家解锁一个配方”命令中,自动建议的“victim:target”(受众:目标)现在改为了“player:target”(玩家:目标) (MCPE-172402)
- Fixed missing low disk space warning on Xbox
- 修复了XBox上缺失“硬盘空间不足”警告的问题
- The text-to-speech narrator will now read the disconnected message in the game menu when opened without an internet connection
- 文本转语音系统现在将在无网络打开游戏时播报“断开连接”信息
- iOS only: Fixed a bug in multiline text edits where some text was sometimes deleted when typing after repositioning the caret with spacebar (MCPE-166152)
- 仅iOS:修复了在多行文本编辑中重新定位光标后会导致在输入时删除某些文本的问题 (MCPE-166152)
- Changed button text from "Manage" to "Cancel" in Options > Subscriptions
- 将 选项 > 订阅设置 中的“管理”按钮更改为了“取消”
- Fixed layering issue causing the underground vignette effect to draw on top of the hotbar (MCPE-159217)
- 修复了晕影效果与物品栏重叠的图层问题 (MCPE-159217)
- Removed server-authoritative-sound bool from server.properties
- 从 server.properties 中移除了 server-authoritative-sound 布尔值
- Exposed DimensionType to scripting
- 为脚本开放了 DimensionType
- The /camera command no longer requires the experimental cameras toggle
- 现在,/camera命令不再需要开启实验性相机开关
- Note: The cameras experiment still contains several example preset JSON files for reference
- 注意:相机实验设置中仍然包含多个示例预设 JSON 文件以供参考
- Released the "minecraft:wearable" item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.20 and higher
- 在1.20.20及更高Json版本中为 "minecraft:wearable" 组件进行了去实验化
- Exposed the following feature placement rules from behind the data driven biome experimental toggle. This allows creators to attach their custom features to a biome, and to define the rules by which those features are placed
- 为生物群系实验性自定义功能开放了了以下特征触发规则。这将允许创作者们将它们的自定义特征添加到生物群系,并自定义触发这些特征的规则。
- minecraft:aggregate_feature
- minecraft:aggregate_feature
- minecraft:cave_carver_feature
- minecraft:cave_carver_feature
- minecraft:fossil_feature
- minecraft:fossil_feature
- minecraft:geode_feature
- minecraft:geode_feature
- minecraft:growing_plant_feature
- minecraft:growing_plant_feature
- minecraft:multiface_feature
- minecraft:multiface_feature
- minecraft:nether_cave_carver_feature
- minecraft:nether_cave_carver_feature
- minecraft:eek:re_feature
- minecraft:eek:re_feature
- minecraft:partially_exposed_blob_feature
- minecraft:partially_exposed_blob_feature
- minecraft:scatter_feature
- minecraft:scatter_feature
- minecraft:search_feature
- minecraft:search_feature
- minecraft:sequence_feature
- minecraft:sequence_feature
- minecraft:single_block_feature
- minecraft:single_block_feature
- minecraft:snap_to_surface_feature
- minecraft:snap_to_surface_feature
- minecraft:structure_template_feature
- minecraft:structure_template_feature
- minecraft:surface_relative_threshold_feature
- minecraft:surface_relative_threshold_feature
- minecraft:tree_feature
- minecraft:tree_feature
- minecraft:underwater_cave_carver_feature
- minecraft:underwater_cave_carver_feature
- minecraft:vegetation_patch_feature
- minecraft:vegetation_patch_feature
- minecraft:weighted_random_feature
- minecraft:weighted_random_feature
- Released the "minecraft:digger" item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.20 and higher
- 在1.20.20及更高Json版本中为 "minecraft:digger" 组件进行了去实验化
- Deprecated "on_dig" parameters from "minecraft:digger" item component in formats 1.20.20 and higher
- 在1.20.20及更高Json版本中停用了来自 "minecraft:digger" 组件的"on_dig"参数
- Added camera scripting APIs for the following APIs:
- 为下列 API 添加了相机脚本 API:
- setCamera(): to set the camera to a specified preset
- setCamera(): 将相机设定为指定预设
- fade(): to start a camera fade
- fade(): 开始进行相机淡入淡出步骤
- clear(): to clear the current settings on the camera
- clear(): 清除当前相机的设置
- Released Scoreboard API's from beta to V1.4.0
- 将计分板API从Beta测试正式发布到了 V1.4.0 版本
- Updated Scoreboard.getObjective, getObjectiveAtDisplaySlot, and clearObjectiveAtDisplaySlot to return '| undefined'
- 更新了 Scoreboard.getObjective, getObjectiveAtDisplaySlot, 与 clearObjectiveAtDisplaySlot 使其可以返回 '| 未被定义'
- Removed MinecraftBlockTypes defined in @minecraft/server
- 移除了来自 @minecraft/server 的 MinecraftBlockTypes 定义
- Moved ItemUseBeforeEvent to 1.4.0
- 将 ItemUseBeforeEvent 移动到1.4.0
- Moved ItemUseOnBeforeEvent to 1.4.0
- 将 ItemUseOnBeforeEvent 移动到1.4.0
- Moved ItemUseAfterEvent to 1.4.0
- 将 ItemUseAfterEvent 移动到1.4.0
- Moved ItemUseOnAfterEvent to 1.4.0
- 将 ItemUseOnAfterEvent 移动到1.4.0
- Moved ItemStartUseOnAfterEvent to 1.4.0
- 将 ItemStartUseOnAfterEvent 移动到1.4.0
- Moved ItemStopUseAfterEvent to 1.4.0
- 将 ItemStopUseAfterEvent 移动到1.4.0
- Moved ItemStopUseOnAfterEvent to 1.4.0
- 将 ItemStopUseOnAfterEvent 移动到1.4.0
- Moved ItemCompleteUseAfterEvent to 1.4.0
- 将 ItemCompleteUseAfterEvent 移动到1.4.0
- Moved ItemReleaseUseAfterEvent to 1.4.0
- 将 ItemReleaseUseAfterEvent 移动到1.4.0
- Moved ItemStartUseAfterEvent to 1.4.0
- 将 ItemStartUseAfterEvent 移动到1.4.0
- Moved DimensionLocation to 1.4.0
- 将 DimensionLocation 移动到1.4.0
- Renamed PositionInUnloadedChunkError to LocationInUnloadedChunkError and moved it to 1.4.0
- 将 PositionInUnloadedChunkError 重命名为 LocationInUnloadedChunkError 并将其移动到1.4.0
- Renamed PositionOutOfWorldBoundariesError to LocationOutOfWorldBoundariesError and moved it to 1.4.0
- 将 PositionOutOfWorldBoundariesError 重命名为 LocationOutOfWorldBoundariesError 并将其移动到1.4.0
- Moved getSpawnPoint to 1.4.0
- 将 getSpawnPoint 移动到1.4.0
- Moved setSpawnPoint to 1.4.0
- 将 setSpawnPoint 移动到1.4.0
- Moved getDefaultSpawnLocation to 1.4.0
- 将 getDefaultSpawnLocation 移动到1.4.0
- Moved setDefaultSpawnLocation to 1.4.0
- 将 setDefaultSpawnLocation 移动到1.4.0
- Released isValid() from Beta to 1.4.0 for the following classes:
- 在下列类中将 isValid()从Beta测试正式发布到了 V1.4.0:
- Block
- Block
- Container
- Container
- Entity
- Entity
- Player
- Player
- SimulatedPlayer
- SimulatedPlayer
- WorldAfterEvents
- WorldAfterEvents
- Removed projectileHit
- 移除了 projectileHit
- Added projectileHitBlock
- 添加了 projectileHitBlock
- Added projectileHitEntity
- 添加了 projectileHitEntity
- Added class ProjectileHitBlockAfterEvent export class:
ProjectileHitBlockAfterEvent { readonly dimension: Dimension; readonly hitVector: Vector3; readonly location: Vector3; readonly projectile: Entity; readonly source?: Entity; getBlockHit(): BlockHitInformation; }- 添加了 ProjectileHitBlockAfterEvent 出口类:
ProjectileHitBlockAfterEvent { readonly dimension: Dimension; readonly hitVector: Vector3; readonly location: Vector3; readonly projectile: Entity; readonly source?: Entity; getBlockHit(): BlockHitInformation; }- Added class ProjectileHitEntityAfterEvent export class:
ProjectileHitEntityAfterEvent { readonly dimension: Dimension; readonly hitVector: Vector3; readonly location: Vector3; readonly projectile: Entity; readonly source?: Entity; getEntityHit(): EntityHitInformation; }- 添加了 ProjectileHitEntityAfterEvent 出口类:
ProjectileHitEntityAfterEvent { readonly dimension: Dimension; readonly hitVector: Vector3; readonly location: Vector3; readonly projectile: Entity; readonly source?: Entity; getEntityHit(): EntityHitInformation; }- Fixed a bug where ContainerSlot would not work with certain container types (MCPE-168805)
- 修复了 ContainerSlot 不适用于某些容器类型的问题 (MCPE-168805)