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Minecraft - 1.20.51 (Bedrock)
Minecraft 基岩版 1.20.51
Minecraft 基岩版 1.20.51
A hotfix is now available for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition that resolves some issues introduced with the latest update.
现推出 Minecraft 基岩版的一次热更新,来修复上一个正式版更新中的一些问题。
NOTE: The update has not yet rolled out to Nintendo Switch or Amazon devices and will be available soon.
注意:Nintendo Switch 和 Amazon 设备上的更新暂未发布,我们将尽快推送这一版本。
Your thoughts on the game continue to shape new updates so please upvote and report any new bugs at bugs.mojang.com and leave us your feedback at feedback.minecraft.net .
- Fixed a crash that could occur when playing on Realms
- 修复了游玩 Realms 服务器时可能发生的崩溃
- Items no longer have the possibility of duplicating after switching selecting slots while using them (MCPE-177351, MCPE-177353, MCPE-177355)
- 在切换选中槽位同时使用该物品不再有可能导致物品被复制(MCPE-177351, MCPE-177353, MCPE-177355)
- All owned and unowned emotes should now appear within the Emotes section of Dressing Room
- 试衣间所有已拥有和未拥有的表情现都会显示在表情列表中
- Fixed an issue where the PlayStation Plus requirement prompt was not shown when joining multiplayer games (MCPE-177309)
- 修复在加入多人游戏时需求 PlayStation Plus 订阅提示有时不显示的问题(MCPE-177309)
- The block component "minecraft:random_ticking" is now supported again
- 方块组件 minecraft:random_ticking 现恢复支持
【译自feedback.minecraft.net 2023 年 12 月 15 日发布的 Minecraft - 1.20.51 (Bedrock)】
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